Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Baby #2 - Gender Reveal!

 Today we found out if we will be parents of two boys or a boy and a girl! I couldn't be more excited!
Hopefully knowing the gender will make finding a name Shaun and I both like a little easier.

Shaun picked me up and drove us to the ultrasound (I expected to meet him there, so that was a nice surprise), and Gabriel got to nap at home with his godmother in the next room listening for him in case he woke up (thanks Beth!).

We started the ultrasound and the baby came instantly into view! The baby is about 7in long and 7oz according to everything on the monitor, heartbeat is a whopping 167bpm! So active and sweet, we got to watch the baby move all throughout the whole thing. Several measurements were taken, this time around the baby was very cooperative, so we flew through the measurements and got right down to business. 
Here's Gabriel's big announcement!!
This ultrasound was amazing- I have never seen a baby so active! He was rolling, kicking, stretching, putting his thumb in his mouth, moving all over the place- I cannot get over how blessed we are not only to live in a time where this kind of technology is available, but that we get to use it several times during a pregnancy! He is measuring all right on schedule and seems perfectly healthy.
So blessed to get to love on two little boys and their daddy!