Monday, August 12, 2013

Second Pregnancy, Second Trimester!

We are officially in the second trimester!! Woo-hoo, our little family survived!

Week 13 brought on the first week where I had a day that I didn't feel like I had the flu and I was able to clear some of my schedule so I could nap when Gabriel did. Week 14 has so far been amazing, I was able to stop taking meds with only a little of the flu feeling. Headaches are intense, but I will take those over morning sickness any day!

Week 14 brought some of those awesome hormones (finally!), good hair days are better to come by and my fingernails look amazing. I had to pull out some maternity clothes, which most is still too big, but I am now so much more comfortable it's amazing. Gabriel has been cutting three molars and a two front teeth for the past two weeks, so we have been very tired in this house, but I am so glad it happened now instead of when I was really sick. He is usually so sweet and easy going, it's hard to see him whiny and needy. I have had to let some of the house go during the bad days for him, but housework can always be caught up at a later date and no one will ever know the difference.
Week 13 baby bump- much bigger at 13 weeks than last time!

I can finally work out again and found an awesome prenatal Pilates video that I already feel a huge difference in strength, lower back pain going away, and flexibility. Highly suggest it (plus it's free!) You can find it at: I use a yoga mat, a pillow or two and two cans of soup (instead of light weights). Still taking time to rest, especially as Gabriel hasn't slept through the night since teething started, but it's amazing how much better I feel mentally, emotionally and physically. I am really hoping that this will help me as I transition to sleeping on my sides and the hip pain that comes with that.

I have also started doing research on continuing nursing Gabriel after the baby arrives just in case he hasn't self weaned yet. He only nurses once a day (except when teething), so he may be done by then, but I want to know what I'm in for just in case he hasn't. Within that quest I have realized it's again time to start amping up nutrition in a big way. Not that I completely let it go during the first trimester, but while not feeling well, you eat what you can when you can and what you have the energy to grab (meaning generally pre-made and not the healthiest). With that I have been looking up easy once a month cooking ideas for the crockpot that I can freeze. Pintrest is a God-send in this area. Budget friendly clean eating made simple. I'd rather spend five hours in one day prepping, cooking, and freezing and then have five minutes of dumping into a crock pot daily than a full hour or more every day.

The office has been completely moved downstairs to make room for the new nursery. I dug out the bassinet and am dying to paint- but that has to wait until Sept when we have our next ultrasound scheduled. Gabriel has been my little "helper" helping me unload bookshelves, load boxes, sweep, dust and mop. He is going to be a big help when nesting hits full swing!

second pregnancy, first trimester (late post as we just announced it)

June 18th, we see baby #2 for the first time on ultrasound! It's little heart was beating at a steady 117bpm. We weren't able to hear it, but there it was on the monitor. The baby measured at six weeks and three days, which is exactly where it should be according to our charting. The baby was little more on the screen than a beating heart and a yoke sack, but only parents can tell you how sweet that little blip on the screen really is as you see your baby for the first time.

This has been a much different pregnancy than the first. I had no idea I was pregnant when I took the test with Gabriel, so we were in shock for a few days not really believing it had finally happened after trying for 9 months. I felt fine for weeks, just a few more trips to the bathroom than usual, but totally fine. I was really tired after a couple weeks passed however nausea didn't set in until 6 weeks and had faded almost completely somewhere around 15 weeks. Food aversions were difficult and all I could eat were some basic fruits, ramen noodles (ugh, the nutrition...), and life cereal.
This time around there wasn't any surprise. I knew there was a chance we were pregnant based on charting, but I didn't think it has really happened based on women's bodies being so out of whack when cycles start up again while still nursing. Then I got REALLY moody- and that is not generally how I am. After days of not being unable to change my crazy mood, I decided to change my environment. I "kidnapped" Shaun for lunch downtown, and then took Gabriel to the zoo. While nursing later, I prayed that God would help me to reclaim my mood or help me realize what was going on so I could change things accordingly and become a better person to be around. That's when I realized I was sore, that hadn't happened in about a year while nursing. There was much more than a chance that I was pregnant.

After putting Gabriel down for a nap and Shaun got home, I took off to the store and purchased two
tests to confirm things. I knew that it was too early to test, but test showed up positive early with Gabriel, and I had to know. The test read "PREGNANT" and I went to work fast so that it wouldn't totally settle in before I had told Shaun so we could freak out together. I was so excited! I made Gabriel a "big brother" onesie as no one in town had a t-shirt small enough for him, took a picture of the positive test and put it inside a card for Shaun. Gabriel had just started walking that week so I had to tell Shaun I was giving him a big present that just came in and to just go with the video camera. I put on a "rocking the bump" shirt and held Gabriel close so Shaun couldn't see our shirts until after he opened the card. It took him a minute to realize what was going on as he thought it was a late graduation present, but when he did he was shocked! I was so excited that I was able to surprise him again!

First trimester differences between this pregnancy and the last one:
-I am sick all the time, and eventually gave in and started taking meds to help. Still feel like I have the flu, but can mostly function and play with Gabriel.
-Gabriel is here and toddling, so he has to be watched every second. He is great though, when I'm out of it he brings me books to read together and when I run to the bathroom sick, he follows laughing thinking I want him to chase me (which is great because I don't have to worry about him getting into something when I'm not there).
-Bland food is all I could handle last time. This time bland food is EVIL! Smells bad, tastes awful, and spicy food is what is required. I am sick all the time, but I have fewer items that I cannot stand.
-Headaches, moody, and showing earlier. Although thankfully most of my crazy faded out half way through the first trimester.
-Last time I didn't get more than a tiny stretch mark until after giving birth. This time every stretch mark I got after being pregnant last time looks fresh again- totally weird!
-Last time I worked at a gym and worked out almost every day. This time I was happy to survive and all motion made things worse.
-Last time it took 9 months to get pregnant, and it was a shock. This time charting and being in tune with my body, we were pregnant the first month and not in shock as we knew it was a possibility.